Michael B. Gousie - Wheaton College, MA

Comp 218 - Data Structures (Spring 2025)

General Information

Computer Science Major

Check out the road maps for completing the major in 4, 3.5, or 3 years. Click on a tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to change the number of years desired.

C++ Resources


  • ds5.pdf - specifications for project DS5, due on April 10.
  • ds4.pdf - specifications for project DS4, due on March 27.
    • mt257.pgm - sample input file as shown in specifications.

Lab Info

Lab 8

  • queueLab8.h - specification file for templated queue class.
  • llADT.h - specification file for templated linked list class.
  • llADT.cpp - implementation file for templated linked list class.
  • appImplement.h - specification file for application program.
  • appImplement.cpp - implementation file for application program.
  • main.cpp - driver program.

Lab 7

In-Class Examples

  • format.cpp - how to format output.
  • math.cpp - show use of sqrt() and how to round without round().
  • Test_Data - sample input file.
  • fileAverage.cpp - input/output files.
  • scoper.cpp - tracing problem done in class. In class, we tried the input 5, 4, and 7.
  • classesReviewV1.cpp - review of basic objects and their usage; Version 1.
  • classesReview.cpp - final version of the previous program.
  • vehicles2pr.cpp - vehicles hierarchy; broken version.
  • vehicles3.cpp - final version of vehicles hierarchy.
  • food.cpp - multiple inheritance.
  • inClassInherit.cpp - inheritance hierarchy practice.
  • pointers.cpp - tracing pointers. Note I cast to (long) to accommodate larger memories (and hence a larger address space).
  • linkedBeta.cpp - Beta version of linked list program as shown in class.
  • linkedV1.cpp - finished version of linked list ADT program as shown in class. The reverse traversal is not yet implemented (future work).
  • templateFunct.cpp - use of template function to handle different array types.
  • templateClassStart.cpp - in-class exercise to add in template class to handle different array types.
  • templateClass.cpp - completed program showing use of template class to handle different array types.
  • linkedV2.cpp - template version of linked list ADT program. Still no reverse traversal...
  • stl.cpp - sample program using basic vector and deque operations from the STL.
  • Standard Template Library
  • linkedFinal.cpp - final version of the linked list ADT program, including the recursive reverse traversal.
  • palin.cpp - in-class problem to determine if a given string is a palindrome using recursion.
  • Deli line example, implemented via linked list
  • virtualV1.cpp - basic functions; we will use virtual functions to get a different result.
  • hlist.cpp - heterogeneous list example using virtual functions.
Last updated
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