
Comp 215: Algorithms

Fall 2020

Office hours

Students are welcome to and encouraged to attend faculty office hours, or email us for an appointment for assistance on course topics.

Tutoring support

The CS Tutors run study sessions in the Filene Center. The tutors for this course are Francesca Sajedi, Jackson Reed, and their tutoring schedule is posted on the main page of the course. Be warned that Jackson will be splitting his time answering computer science questions and questions for another course.

You are encouraged to participate in these study sessions to prepare for exams, to discuss programming concepts, and to get friendly assistance in working on lab assignments.

Tutors are instructed to help guide you through any topics, but will not provide solutions/direct answers to programming problems. If you are having troubles with your programming assignment, please be prepared to describe what steps you have already taken to solve the problem. (The same goes for seeking help during office hours and/or on piazza). While our tutors are dedicated, please do not seek them out outside of tutoring sessions - they are students just like you who need some off time to finish their own course work!


To provide additional help have we established a class discussion forum through Piazza. If you have questions outside of ninja sessions and office hours, you can post the question to the class and/or privately to the instructors through Piazza. This allows students to see common problems and to also engage in discussions about course topics. Students are expected to regularly check the discussion page and use this in place of emailing the instructors directly about course content and labs. In addition, students are expected to follow the posting policy outlined on Piazza. For example, you should not post solutions to homework/lab questions and your post will be deleted if it is attempting to fish debugging solutions without specific inquiries. Small snippets of 2-3 lines of code are permissible unless they give away a key point of the lab. Students are encouraged to respond to other student's questions as this will form part of your participation grade.


Academic Accommodations

Wheaton is committed to ensuring equitable access to programs and services and to prohibit discrimination in the recruitment, admission, and education of students with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations or information on accessibility should contact Autumn Grant - Associate Director for Accessibility Services at the Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career Services. ~ accessibility@wheatoncollege.edu or (508) 286-8215

Having difficulty accessing the tech you need?

The Hybrid Tutorial Model and its remote components require students to have access to specific technologies in order to complete classwork successfully. Having trouble accessing the learning technologies outlined in this syllabus? Or reliable wifi or computer access? First, work with your professors to clarify requirements. Next, reach out to your Student Success Advisor in Academic Advising for help with acquiring material or software. Use this form to report your technology needs - Learning Technology request form: https://forms.gle/hMXJdBkBQtU1NzzU8