About Our Exibits

We have different exhibits, though these are our most popular by far, and they won’t be changed anytime soon. They are also some of the exhibits that Uncle Elwyn loved the most. I still don’t know how he came across everything, but I know if he was still with us he could tell us the story of each of these exhibits.


Uncle Elwyn just stumbled upon the animatronics one day. Taking home the ones that no one wanted anymore. Even taught himself how to maintain them and keep them in working condition. However, he slowed the collecting when a famous video game franchise emerged. Feeling that it would change how people viewed the animatronics he loved and even the ones he grew up with.

animatronic standing creepy animatronic head


The skeletons were one of the first things Uncle Elwyn had started collecting, being interested in the history behind them and just being interested in the lives behind them. He even would name each one that was never identified or seemed to have no name. Isn’t that a skel-a-ton of fun!

Skeleton sitting skeleton on horse

Taxidermy animals

Taxidermy is an interesting form of art. Taking a creature that has passed and making it feel alive once again. My uncle was interested in this and even tried to make a few himself. However, the ones that truly drew his attention were the ones others were never interested in—causing him to collect some of the most interesting pieces. Some may call them ugly but here they are truly a work of art and tell the story of how it’s in the eye of the beholder.

taxidermy bager taxidermy lion.
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