three dear with human faces hold each other
deer with a human face has a lynx on it's back that is looking up at a rabbit sitting on it's antler
bear with a human face

New Kate Clark Exhibition!

About US

M.O.S.S was a creative endeavor inspired by my late uncle, whom I was close to. My Uncle Elwyn was a creative with a taste for whimsy and the macabre. I shared these same traits with him; these aspects of ourselves were what we bonded over. After his passing, I was left with all his unique possessions and quickly decided they shouldn't go to waste. Soon, the Museum of Strange Stuff was born, a new home for quirky, dark trinkets, beloved old pieces, and art to be cherished forever. M.O.S.S. was made to honor my uncle and people like him, who are uniquely strange. Uncle Elwyn, you would've loved M.O.S.S.

465 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115
For more information contact us at 617.888.7771 or
The Museum of Strange Stuff is a registered 777 non-profit organization