Dublin, Ireland 2013

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After putting on a Lexomics workshop of our new Lexos software for 20+ Ph.D. students from all over the world, we hit the town (hard) ... and yes, of course we had to ride the London-style bus, on top. The weather was excellent (75F) with the classic occassional downpour. The conference opening session was held at the National Museum in the ceramics room where Seamus Heaney, Irish poet, playwright, translator, lecturer and recipient of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature, read poems translated from and inspired by Old English and Old Irish texts; he is also recently well known for his work: Beowulf: A New Verse Translation (which I highly recommend). The reading (and wine and food) was awesome.

We toured the Book of Kells at Trinity College. Wow! This is the kind of place where book lovers can hang all day. [Not shown is me jumping the rope, scampering up the ladder, and fetching the sixteenth book on the 37th row.]

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